
  • Award  Awarded in the categories Fun, Graphics, Support, and Community.
  • What our players think:

  • Snofru: "I'm delighted that you cannot buy advantages in this game. Yet the premium account offers some nice gadgets that allow for more comfortable gameplay."
  • Tina: "A big 'thank you' for this excellent performance"
  • Whodany: "I have praised this game several times by now... especially the quick implementation of wanted changes is exceptional :-)"
  • Baal:"Klony's programming performance is outstanding and irreplaceable."
  • Miraculix: "Big compliment to s.dude and klony! I'm impressed how fast the game matures and how efficiently changes are implemented."
  • murdoch: "Kudos to L&L. The 'animated naval battles' is just about the limit, and the nice cartoons in the combat reports convey a nice ambience."
  • Antigones: "Congratulations to the helpful support team, who always remain friendly during "urgent" requests."

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